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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

At CAPS, we use multicultural and collaborative approaches to provide quality care.

Within this framework, we work to connect each student with the most appropriate and available resources within CAPS, across MSU and throughout our community.

We have developed programs meant to serve historically underrepresented student groups:

  • CAPS Connect provides an informal drop-in option for students, meeting them where they are during the school day. Started at MSU in September 2019, this program is based on the Let's Talk program developed at Cornell University.
  • Many of our CAPS Groups are designed specifically to provide an opportunity for students of certain identities and backgrounds to support and grow with each other in a safe space.

Our CAPS staff enjoy ongoing multicultural training opportunities including CCARRS (Culturally Competent and Racially Responsive Seminar) and Third Thursday Table Talk Discussion, designed to foster an inclusive space for staff to discuss current events, the intersection of their respective identities, and how these factors have shaped their worldview and role as a mental health provider. 

When the MSU campus was rocked with multiple events with racist undertones, it was important that we let students know that Hate Has No Home Here and that Black Lives Matter.

The counseling staff has a long and rich history with MECCA the Multi-Ethnic Counseling Center Alliance, founded in 1968. With MECCA, clinicians are specifically trained and committed to providing culturally competent and racially responsive mental health services and ensure that there are ethnically and racially identified clinicians to provide counseling and outreach to the students of MSU.