Therapy Groups

Therapy groups are safe places for all MSU students to connect with one another and learn more about themselves, skills for improving their mental health and ways to improve their interpersonal relationships. Therapy groups require a group screening and consistent attendance is encouraged.

  • Anxiety and Mindfulness 

    Anxiety and Mindfulness is an in-person cognitive-behavioraltherapy group for undergraduate and graduate students to reducetheir anxiety and other emotional distress. Group members will learnmindfulness techniques and cognitive strategies. Members will alsogain non-judgmental self-awareness and peer support. No religiousbackground is required.     

    Wednesdays 1:00 PM-2:30 PM 

    Status: In Person 

    Facilitators: Mollie Delzeith, MA, LPC (she/her) & Delanie Rodriquez, BA 


    Group runs: September 11 - December 4 

    *A Pre-Group Meeting is required to join. Please schedule a phone consultation at and state your interest in this group during the appointment.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Severe and Persistent Mental Illness

    A therapy group for students with diagnosed Serious and Persistent Mental Illness using principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. 

    Mondays 3:30-5:00pm 

    Status: In Person 

    Facilitator(s): Dave Gates, MA, LPC & Ananya Sharma, MA 


    Group starts and ends: September 9th – November 11th  


    *A Pre-Group Meeting is required to join. Please schedule a phone consultation at and state your interest in this group during the appointment. 

  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Group

    Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Training Group at MSU CAPS is an evidence-based group therapy for the treatment of numerous mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, some personality disorders, and other mental health issues. DBT is also useful for individuals who have no diagnosed mental health condition but want to increase their quality of life. 

    DBT Skills TrainingGroupsare offered to students who want to improve their ability to act effectively in their environment and become more satisfied with their lives. This group offers a skills-based intervention, meaning that each group session will focus on teaching new skills that you can use to improve your life. In each group session, you can expect to learn a new DBT skill or deepen your knowledge of a previously learned DBT skill. You will also be invited to practice the use of DBT skills between group sessions and to discuss your practice of DBT skills in group.  

    Wednesdays 3:30 pm-5 pm   

    Status: in person 

    Facilitator(s): Dave Gates, MA, LPC & Ananya Sharma, MA & Maleyah Zataray, MA 


    *Fall2024 DBT Skills TrainingGroupbegins the week of 9/2/24. The finalgroupfor the semester will meet the week of 12/2/24. Please note that no DBTgroupswill be held during the week of11/25/2024 

    *A Pre-Group Meeting is required to join. Please schedule a phone consultation at and state your interest in this group during the appointment. You are welcome to join after the group has started.  

  • Mind in Mind (MiM)

    MiM is an 8-session structured group with the goal of increasing group members' capacity for understanding how mental states influence the behavior of yourself as well as the behavior of others. This group will focus on developing and expanding this capacity through psychoeducation, role-plays, and discussing your own experiences.   

    MiM is a good group for students who have difficulty understanding their own internal states (e.g., thoughts, feelings, etc) and/or would like to develop specific skills at better understanding the intentions of others.  This group could be good for those who struggle with relationally based emotional dysregulation, Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, and Substance Use Disorders. While the group will not focus on targeting the specific symptoms of these problems, it aims to focus on some of the underlying processes commonly associated with problems such as these.  

    Topics of the group will include:  

    Session 1: What is Mentalization and mentalizing stance?  

    Session 2: What does it mean to have problems w/Mentalizing?  

    Session 3: What emotions do we have and what are the basic types?  

    Session 4: How do we register and regulate emotions? 

    Session 5: The significance of Attachment Relationships?  

    Session 6: Attachment and Mentalization  

    Session 7: Anxiety, Attachment and Mentalizing  

    Session 8: Depression, Attachment and Mentalizing  


    Thursdays 2:00 to 3:30 PM  

    Status: In Person  

    Facilitator(s):Josh Turchan, PhD & Terry Doan Psy.D., LLP & Ruefin Tan 


    Start and end date of group: September through December  

    *A Pre-Group Meeting is required to join. Please schedule a phone consultation at and state your interest in this group during the appointment.